王依宁,讲师、博士、硕士生导师 教育经历: 1995年9月-1999年6月 湖南科技大学英语系 本科 2001年9月-2004年6月 广州暨南大学太阳集团tcy8722 研究生 2016年8月-2020年8月 Macquarie University, 哲学博士(语言学) 工作/科研经历: 1999年9月-2001年6月 潮汕职业技术学院 助教 2004年8月-2015年9月 北京师范大学珠海分校太阳集团tcy8722 讲师 2020年 6月-2020年12月 Macquarie University, Research Assistant 2021年2月-2022年1月 Macquarie University, Honorary Postdoctoral Associate 2021年4月-2021年12月 LOVE D AND V XOXO PTY LTD,Administration Officer 2022年2月-2027年2月 Macquarie University, Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow 2023年1月-至今 Canteen - The Australian Organization for Young People Living with Cancer, Research Assistant (Volunteer) 2023年9月-至今 太阳集团tcy8722 讲师 最近讲授课程: 本科生:英语精读、英语语法、留学口语、高级商务英语、商务英语写作 研究生:语言学国际学术前沿(合作课程) 主要研究方向: 双语和多语、语言传承、国际中文教育、语言和情感、移民和宗教 招生方向: 社会语言学(多语和双语研究) 荣誉/获奖情况: 2020, Nominee, China Studies Association of Australia Thesis Prize for China Studies 参与课题: 2020,Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project of ‘Everyday Intercultural Communication in Australia’ 2023年-至今,Evaluation of Parent Support Worker(PSW) Service for Australian Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) Living with Parental Cancer 主持课题: 2024 - 2025年,2023年引进人才科研启动项目:后疫情时代海外华文教育的挑战、变革和机遇 – 以澳大利亚华文学校为例 学术成果(近期): [1] Wang, Y. (2022). “Cross is fix”: Christianity and Christian community as vehicles for overcoming settlement crises of Chinese immigrant families. Religions, 13(2), 119. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13020119 (SSCI 宗教2区) [2] Wang, Y. & Piller, I. (2022). Christian bilingual practices and hybrid identities as vehicles of migrant integration. In R. Moloney, S. Mansour (Eds.), Language and Spirit: Exploring languages, religion and spirituality in Australia today (pp. 307-326). London: Palgrave Macmillan. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-93064-6_13 [3] Wang, Y. (2023). Speaking Chinese or no breakfast: Emotional challenges and experiences confronting Chinese immigrant families in heritage language maintenance. International Journal of Bilingualism, 27(2), 232-250. https://doi.org/10.1177/13670069221126043 (SSCI 语言学3区) [4] Wang, Y., Williams Tetteh, V., & Dube, S. (2023). Parental emotionality and power relations in heritage language maintenance: Experiences of Chinese and African immigrant families in Australia. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1076418 (SSCI 心理学3区) [5] Piller, I., Bodis, A., Butorac, D., Cho, J., Cramer, R., Farrell, E., Grey, A., Lising, L., Motaghi-Tabari, S., Smith-Khan, L., Tenedero, P. P. P., Torsh, H., Tetteh, V. W., Wang, Y., Abdullah, T., Bruzon, A. S., & Quick, B. (2023). Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration Inquiry into ‘Migration, Pathway to Nation Building’. https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/publications/56d48bf2-f8a2-4538-8cdb-0d086c607d64 [6] Wang, Y. (2024). Home-related strategies and practices to maintain Chinese heritage language and their implications for identity construction. In L. Veliz (Ed.), Multiculturalism and multilingualism in education: Implications for curriculum, teacher preparation and pedagogical practice. Brill. [7] Wang, Y. (2024). Bible is the source of hope: Christianity as a weapon of parenting for Chinese immigrant families in Australia. In D. W. Kim & D. Wright (Eds.), Socio-anthropological approaches to religion: Environmental hope (pp. 103-128). Lexington Books. https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781666956061/Socio-Anthropological-Approaches-to-Religion-Environmental-Hope [8] Wang, Y. (2024). Linguistic anxiety, insecurity, and fulfilment of bilingual parenting: Emotional complexities experienced by Chinese immigrant families. OLBI Journal, 167-198. https://doi.org/10.18192/olbij.v13i1.6631 [9] Wang, Y., & Li, J. (2024). Changing discourses of Chinese language maintenance in Australia: Unpacking language ideologies of first-generation Chinese immigrant parents from People's Republic of China. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1259398 (SSCI 心理学3区) [10] Skrabal, R. X., Konings, S., Schiena, E., Phipps-Nelson, J., Wang, Y., Hodgson, F., Patterson, P., McDonald, F.E.J. (2024). Piloting a new cross-sector model of care to support parents with cancer: Feasibility and acceptability of the Parent Support Worker role. Support Care in Cancer, 32(7), 435. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-024-08629-6 (SSCI 医学3区) [11] 王依宁、王健(2024,即将发表),华语代际传承的困境和启发 – 以21世纪移民澳大利亚的中国家庭为例,《语言治理学刊》。 [12] Wang, Y. (in press). Challenges and contradictions at play in Chinese heritage language maintenance – Experiences of newly arrived immigrant parents from People’s Republic of China. In Karpava, S. (Eds.). Multilingualism, Multiculturalism and Inclusive Education. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 学术会议发言: [1] Wang, Y. (2019, December). Heritage language maintenance of Chinese migrant children and their families. [Paper presentation] 50th Annual Conference of the Australian Linguistics Society (ALS2019), 11-13th Dec, Macquarie University, Sydney. [2] Wang, Y. (2020, September). Heritage language trajectories of Chinese migrant children in Australia. [Paper presentation] Annual Linguistic Research Showcase 2020, 25th Sep, Macquarie University, Sydney. [3] Wang, Y. (2020, October). “I rarely speak English/Chinese in my social circle” – Heritage language experiences and language use of Chinese migrant children in Australia. [Paper presentation] Postgraduate Conference on Multilingualism, 10th Oct, Australia [Virtual Conference]. [4] Wang, Y. (2020, November). Heritage language proficiencies of Chinese immigrant children in Australia. [Paper presentation] 46th Annual Conference of Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), 16-23rd Nov, Japan [Virtual Conference]. [5] Wang, Y. (2020, December). “I think I didn’t come to Australia at the best age” – Age at migration and bilingual proficiencies. [Paper presentation] 53rd Annual Conference of the Australian Linguistics Society (ALS2020), 14-15th Dec, Australia [Virtual Conference]. [6] Wang, Y. (2021, February). Does maintaining heritage language really matter and to whom? Language attitudes of Chinese migrant children and their parents in Australia. [Paper presentation] 2020 Language and Society Conference of the New Zealand Linguistics Society (LangSoc 2020), 10-12th Feb, University of Waikato, New Zealand [Virtual Conference]. [7] 李佳&王依宁 (2021年5月). Changing Discourses of Chinese Language Maintenance in Australia. [会议发言] 第17届中国澳大利亚研究国际学术研讨会, 5月28-30, 哈尔滨工业大学,中国. [8] Li, J. & Wang, Y. (2021, June). Valorization of speaking Chinese from the perspectives of Chinese immigrant parents in Australia. [Paper presentation] 2021 Annual Conference of the Australian Studies Association of Japan (ASAJ), 12-13 June, Fukushima University, Japan. [9] Wang, Y. (2021, July). Heritage language proficiencies: What factors matter? [Poster presentation] 13th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB13), 10-14 July, University of Warsaw, Poland. [10] Wang, Y. (2021, August). “Cross is fix”: The influence of Christianity on Chinese immigrant families. [Paper presentation] 82nd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR 2021), 8-9th Aug, USA [Virtual Conference]. [11] Wang, Y. (2021, December). Christian becoming and social integration of Chinese immigrant families. [Paper presentation] 46th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for the Study of Religion (AASR), 9-10th Dec, Australia [Virtual Conference]. [12] Wang, Y. (2022, April). Age at migration and heritage language proficiencies: The case of Chinese immigrant children in Australia. [Paper presentation] International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2022 (ISMBS 2022), 6-9 Apr, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. [13] Wang, Y. (2022, October). Language practices and identity expressions of Chinese adolescents and young adults across ages of migration. [Poster presentation] Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2022 (BMRS2022), 25&26 October, Edinburgh, UK. [14] Wang, Y. & Williams Tetteh, V. (2022, December). Language emotionality and heritage language maintenance [Paper presentation] Sociolinguistics in connection: Towards a healthy and resilient society. 9th December, Macquarie University, Australia. [15] Wang, Y. (2023, June). Unpacking power relations in the maintenance of Chinese heritage language(s): Language ideologies and practices among Chinese immigrant families in Australia. [Paper presentation] 14th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB14), 26th-30th June, Macquarie University, Australia. [16] Wang, Y. (2024, forthcoming). Teaching Chinese languages in Australia – Realities, opportunities, and challenges of Chinese community schools. [Paper presentation] 21st AILA World Congress, 11th – 16th August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 学术服务: 2022年-至今 担任刊物“The Journal of Social Sciences”审稿人 2021年-2024年 为刊物“Journal of Language and Discrimination”, “The Modern Language Journal”, “International Journal of Bilingualism”, “Frontiers in Psychology”,“Languages” 和出版社 “Brill Publishers”承担审稿任务 |