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    王 琼副教授
    2024年01月11日 09:53     (浏览次数:)





    1】发表论文(部分) / Selected Publications

    I. 英文论文 / Theses in English

    1. WANG,John Qiong. The Ethnonational Symbols of “Mountain-River” in Contemporary Chinese Discourse. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 11(1), 2024:1-28.

    2. WANG,John Qiong. Revisiting translation as transculturation: from ancient Chinese origin ‘Djargron’ to global representation ‘Dragon.’ Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 18(4), 2023:312–335.

    3. WANG,John Qiong. Examining Sino-Ghana relations and the role of the Chinese community in Ghana through (Auto) biography as a historiographic approach. Legon Journal of the Humanities, 35(1), 2024:37-99.

    4. WANG,John Qiong.. Kuafu as Buri: Bridging Ancient Worlds:——A Study of Transcultural Confucianism Through Mythological Narratives. Thinking Through Confucius, 2024 (4):111-128.

    5. WANG, John Qiong. Intralingual Translation and Acculturation in the Chinese Humanistic and Historical Tradition, Translating China, 10(4), 2024: 39-53.

    6. WANG, John Qiong & LI, Jianning, Exploring the Concept of “Build a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind” in International Diplomacy: A Prehistoric Mythological Perspective. International Relations and Diplomacy, 2023 , 11(6): 233-239.

    7. WANG, John Qiong & Kun, Liang. De/reterritorialising the historical context of translated non-fiction: a somatic approach to the two versions of River Town. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, 2022, 9(2), 217–235.

    8. WANG, John Qiong. “Cecilia Alvstad, Annjo K. Greenall, Hanne Jansen, Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov. Textual and Contextual Voices of Translation.” Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation, 2018(11): 626-631.

    9. WANG, John Qiong. A Critical Analysis of the Chinese Complex in the Translation of Han Suyin's Autobiographical Fiction A Many Splendoured Thing', Proceedings of International  Symposium on Globalization: Challenges for Translators and Interpreters, Jinan University, Jan, 2014.

    10. WANG, John Qiong. Transnarrativity in the Recreation of a Fictional World: A Case Study of Oscar Wilde's The Happy Prince, Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 2018, 8(7):998-1006.

    11. WANG, John Qiong. Hyper-reality and Autobiographical Transnarrative Voice: A Baudrillardian PerspectivemTm Translation Journal20168: 176-197.

    II. 中文论文 / Theses in Chinese

    1. 王琼. 民族译叙与中华民族家国情怀的生成式跨文化传播:以《西藏的孩子》英译节选为例, 《翻译季刊》,2024109(标注2023)25-45页。[WANG, John Qiong. Ethnic Narratives and the Chinese Nationalistic Family-Country Complex in Transcultural Communication: A Case Study of an Excerpted English Translation from The Child of Xizang, Translation Quarterly, 109, 2024 printed as 2023: 25-45.

    2. 王琼. 中国神话中的天下观与全球交流互鉴,《传播前沿》(中国台湾),2024 年第5卷第1:1-21页。[WANG, John Qiong. Revisiting the“Worldview”through Chinese Mythology: Pathways to Global Exchange and Mutual Learning. Communication Frontier (Chinese Taiwan), 2024, 5(1): 1-21.

    3. 贾文山、王琼(第一通讯作者). “人类命运共同体思想的多维度内涵探析及跨文化传播研究,《国际新闻界》,2023年第五期,第626页。(中文CSSCI 期刊)[JIA Wenshan & John Q. WANG (Communication Author). Exploring the Pluralistic Notions of "a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind" and its Global Communication, Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023 (05):6-26. ]

    4. 王琼. 从德勒兹-伽塔里后现代哲学视角看翻译是一种少众生成的文本验,《区域与文化研究》(台湾),20237月第四期,第58-77页。 [WANG, John Qiong. A Deleuzian-Guattarian Perspective Towards Translation as a Textual Experiment of "Minoritarian-becoming": A Case Study of the English Translations of the Chinese Uygur and Kazakh Literature. Regional and Cultural Studies (Taiwan). 2023(04)(02: 58-77.]

    5. 王琼. 翻译动态转换属性:一个德勒兹哲学的理论阐释,《中国翻译》,2017年第5期,第11-18+128页(中文CSSCI 期刊)[WANG, John Qiong. Translational Dynamicity from a Deleuzean Philosophical Perspective. Chinese Translators Journal, 2017 (5): 11-18+128. ]

    6. 王琼.人文学科的危机转机:以德勒兹哲学为视角,《甘肃省社会科学》(中文 CSSCI 期刊),2012年第4 期,第67-70也。(中文CSSCI 期刊)(该论文同时被《中国人民大学书报数据中心社会科学总论》2012年第4期转载,第31-36页;《新华文摘》(论点摘编)2012 年第 19 期转载)[WANG, John QiongG. “Crisis” and “Transition” in Humanities: A Deleuzian Perspective, Gansu Social Sciences, 2012(04), pp.67-70Reprinted in Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC, 2012(04):31-36; Reprinted in Xinhua Digest, 2012(19) ]

    7. 保尔·布伊萨克,王琼译.符号学的记忆科学探索,《江海学刊》,2013年第3期,论文独译。(该论文被《中国社会科学文摘》2019年第9期全文转载,第19-20页)[Bouissac, Paul. Chinese translation by John Q. WANG. Semiotics as the Science of Memory. Jianghai Academic Journal, 2013(3) ; Reprinted in Chinese Social Sciences Digest, 2019(9): 19-20. ]

    8. 王琼.当代中国的西方商人自传翻译,《图书与情报》(中文 CSSCI期刊),2011年第4期,第98-103[WANG, John Qiong. Glocalisation and Western Businessmen's Autobiographies in Contemporary China. Library & Information, 2011(04):98-103.]

    9. 王琼 王心洁. 浅论文学翻译中却无再创作的过程,《暨南大学学报》(中文CSSCI 期刊),2009年第2期。 [WANG, John Qiong. A Tentative Study on the Literary Translation Process from "Lack" to "Recreation". Jinan Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2009(2).]

    10. 王琼、毛玲莉. 从关联翻译理论分析中西文化语境下月亮意象,《兰州大学学报》(中文CSSCI期刊),20073月,第137-142页。[WANG, John Qiong & MAO, Lingli. The "Moon" Imagery in Chinese and Western Cultural Contexts from a Relevance Theory Perspective. Journal of Lanzhou, 2007(03):137-142.]

    11. 王琼、鲍德里亚符号学理论视角下的翻译研究——以当代西方商人自传译介为例《湖北民族大学学报》(中文CSSCI 期刊),2016年第3期,第163-167页。[WANG, John Qiong. Translation Studies from Baudrillard's Semiotic Perspective: A Case Study of the Translation of Contemporary Western Businessmen Autobiography, 2016(03):163-167.]

    12. 王琼、谭源星.德勒兹和伽塔里哲学视域下的罂粟文学意象重构研究以《尘埃落定》英译本为例,《湖北民族大学学报》(中文CSSCI 期刊),2015年第6期,第101-106页。[WANG, John Qiong & TAN, Yuanxing. The Reconstruction of "Poppies" Imagery from Deleuzian-Guattarian Perspective: A Case Study of the English Translation of Red Poppies, 2015(6):101-106.]

    13. 王琼. 探议译叙空间概念,《译苑新谭》,2016年第00期,第11-18页(该论文获得第五届天府翻译奖优秀成果及译苑新谭辑刊第8辑论文一等奖)[WANG, John Qiong. Transnarritive Space. New Perspectives in Translation Studies. 2016(00), pp. 11-18. (This thesis is awarded "The Excellent Achievement of the Fifth Tianfu Translation Award and the First Prize of Papers in New Perspectives in Translation Studies Collection Volume 8")]

    14. 王琼. 翻译教育中的批判性思维运用,《译苑新谭》,2014年第六辑。(该论文获得第三届天府翻译学术成果一等奖)。[WANG, John Qiong. Critical Thinking in Translation Education. New Perspectives in Translation Studies. 2014(06), pp. 11-18. (This thesis is awarded "The Third Tianfu Translation Academic Achievement First Prize"]

    15. 王琼. 国际都市品牌形象与旅游翻译管理机制的构建,《中外论坛》(美国),2013年第3期。[WANG, John Qiong. International Metropolis Brand Image and the Construction of Tourism Translation Management Mechanism. China-West Forum (USA), 2013(3) ]

    16. 王琼.西方自传的译介情况:1949-2010,《中外论坛》(美国),2012 年第 6 期。[WANG, John Qiong. The Translation of Western Autobiography: 1949-2010. China-West Forum (USA), 2012(6).]

    17. 王琼.《翻译自我:在语言与文学之间的体验和身份》介绍,《大家》,201117期。[WANG, John Qiong. Book Review: Translating Selves: Experience and Identity between Languages and Literatures. Masters, 2011(17).]

    18. 王琼.修辞审美看诗歌翻译的创作空间:以拜伦的《她走在美的光彩中》一诗为例,《山东文学》,201104期。[WANG, John Qiong. The Creative Space of Poetry Translation from the Perspective of Rhetoric and Aesthetics: A Case Study of Byron's poem "She Walks in Beauty". 2011(04)]

    19. 王琼 刘德珍. 论暨南大学侨生英语教学评估指标,《暨南高教研究》, 2011年第1期,第67-71页。[WANG, John Qiong & LIU, Dezhen. The Evaluation Indexes of English Teaching for Overseas Chinese Students in Jinan University. Jinan Academic Research. 2011(01):67-71]

    20. 王琼 曾光 李凯. 论翻译理论在翻译专业本科教学中的运用.《暨南高教研究》2010年第2期,第57-60页。[WANG, John Qiong, Zeng Guang, LI Kai. The Application of Translation Theory in the Undergraduate Teaching of Translation Majors. Jinan Academic Research. 2011(02): 57-60 ]

    第二作者(部分重要期刊论文)Second Author (Selected Significant Publication)

    1. 邵璐、王琼。余华小说的英语译介及其中国当代性重构,《小说评论》,2020(03):97-104. [SHAO Lu & WANG, John Qiong. The Translation of Yuhua’s Fiction and Its Reconstruction of “Chinese Contemporaneity”, Fiction Review, 2020(03):97-104. ]

    III. 会议论文 Conference Papers

    1. 王琼、马和斌. 语言传播作为建构民族共同体意识形成的重要因素:以中华民族和阿拉伯民族为例, 人类命运共同体·中国智库论坛(2022):学习贯彻党的二十大精神,推进人类命运共同体理念国际传播,中国传媒大学人类命运共同体研究院,2022.11.5.[John Q. WANG & MA Hebin. Language Communication as An Important Factor in the Formation of the Sense of Building a National Community: a Case Study of the Chinese and the Arab Nation, China Think Tank Forum for a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind (2022); Communication University of China, 2022.11.5]

    2. 从德勒兹和伽塔里微观政治视角看汉语传播作为少数民族作家寻求中华民族共同体意识的重要意义_以中国藏族诗歌为例, 中国少数民族文学学会2022年学术研讨会,2022.11.11-13. [A Deleuzian-Guattarian Perspective Towards the Dissemination of Chinese Language as a Significant Factor for Minority Writers Seeking the Sense of Consolidation a Chinese Community: A Case Study of Xizang Poetry. Chinese Ethnic Literature Society Symposium, 2022]

    3. 王琼. 中华民族的家国情怀与民族精神, 创新与融合:闽台文化与传播新途径首届闽台文化与传播研讨会,闽台师范大学两岸传播研究中心,2022.12.04. [John Q. WANG. The Family-Country Complex and Chinese National Spirit, Innovation and Integration: New Ways of Culture and Communication between Fujian and Taiwan; The First Symposium on Culture and Communication between Fujian and Taiwan; Cross-Strait Communication Research Center of Fujian and Taiwan Normal University, 2022.12.04]

    4. 王琼、孙艺丹. 新时代网络精神安全传播,第五届中国传播创新研究工作坊,2022.12.10. [John Q. WANG and SUN Yidan. The Communication of Spiritual Security in the New Era. The Fifth China Communication Innovation Research Workshop, 2022. 12.10]

    5. 王琼. 知识翻译学之道与理与中华典籍国际传播:以《道德经》道与名玄与眇概念英译为例,知识翻译学理论定位与学科体系建构学术研讨会,2022.12.28-31. [John Q. WANG. The "Dao and Li" of Knowledge-becoming Translatology and the International Dissemination of Chinese Classics: A Case Study of the English Translation of the Concepts of "Tao and Ming" and "Xuan and Miao" in Daojing ], Symposium on Theoretical Orientation and Discipline Construction of Knowledge-becoming Translatology, 2022.12.28-31.

    6. 王琼. 情系山河的家国情怀与多元一体的中华民族属性:论中国当代少数民族文学的翻译与国际传播, 2023年中国少数民族文学学会,太阳集团tcy8722,2023.10.27-29, 广西 南宁. [Mountain-River Spirit of Family-Country Complex and the Pluralistic Attribute of the Chinese Nation: The Translation and International Communication of Chinese Contemporary Ethnic Literature, 2023 Chinese Ethnic Literature Society Symposium].

    7. 王琼. 民族译叙与中华民族家国情怀的生成式跨文化传播:以《西藏的孩子》英译节选为例,2023年中国少数民族文库外译学术研讨会,西南民族大学,2023.11.3-5. [John Q. WANG. Ethnic Transnarrative and Transcultural Communication of the Chinese Family-Country Complex: A Case Study of The Child of Xizang. Chinese Ethnic Literature Society Symposium, 2023.

    8. 王琼. 国际中文的翻译学转向和中国式现代化的生成式跨文化传播, 国际中文教育视域下跨文化交际研究学术研讨会,南京大学,2023.11.10-12. [John Q. WANG. The Translational Turn in International Chinese and the Transcultural Communication of the Chinese Modernisation, International Symposium on Intercultural Communication from the Perspective of Chinese Education, Nanjing University, 2023.11.10-12]

    王琼. 生生传播与和合翻译, Shaping the Future of Translation and Interpreting Studies in a Context of Technological, Cultural and Social ChangesCentre for Translation Studies, Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University2024.6.14-16.

    2课题项目情况 / Funding Projects

    1.2019-2021国家社会科学基金,《中国社会治理通论》, 中华学术外译项目,课题经费40万元(国家级,项目编号19WSHB002);2019-2021, National Social Science Foundation, General Theory of Social Governance in China, Chinese academic translation project, project funding of 400,000 RMB (National Level, project number 19WSHB002).

    2.铸牢中华民族共同体意识视角下当代中国少数民族文学翻译及国际传播研究 (项目编号:2023SKQD30), 2023 年度校级引进人才科研启动项目(人文社科类)20万元,太阳集团tcy8722。; Research on the Translation and International Communication of Contemporary Chinese Ethnic Literature from the Perspective of Solidifying the Sense of the Chinese National Community (Project Number: 2023SKQD30), 2023 Annual University-level Research Initiation Project for Talents Recruitment (Humanities and Social Sciences), 20,000 RMB, Guangxi Minzu University

    3.2017-2019,中华全国归国华侨联合会项目,加纳华人华侨文化适应和融合现状研究,课题经费3万元(省部级,项目编号17CZQK207);2017 -2019, Project of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, A Study on the Current Situation of Cultural Adaptation and Integration of Chinese and Overseas Chinese in Ghana, with a funding of 30,000 RMB (Provincial and Ministerial level, project number 17CZQK207).

    4. 2011-2012,广州市哲学社会科学十二五规划2011 年度青年课题,广州市国际都市形象的品牌构筑战略研究:以旅游宣传翻译为视角,课题经费1万元(省部级);

    3. 2011-2012, Philosophy and Social Sciences of Guangzhou, Youth Project of the 12th Five-year Plan 2011, Brand Building Strategy of Guangzhou International City Image: From the Perspective of Tourism Promotion and Translation, the project funding is 10,000 RMB (Provincial and Ministerial level).

    5.2016-2017,鲍德里亚符号经济学理论视角下的翻译研究——以当代中国的西方商人自传译介为例,暨南大学珠海校区青年教师科研起步基金项目,资助经费1.2 万元(校级); 2016-2017, Translation Viewed from Baudrillard's Theoretical Perspective of Symbolic Economics: Taking the Translation and Introduction of Autobiographies of Western Businessmen in Contemporary China, the Scientific Research Start-up Funding Project for Young Teachers in Zhuhai Campus of Jinan University, 12,000 RMB (University Level).

    2012-2013批判性思维MTI 笔译教学中译者翻译能力的培养研究,暨南大学珠海校区青年教师科研起步基金项目,资助经费2万元(校级); 2012-2013, The Research on the Cultivation of Translators' Translation Competence in 'Critical Thinking' and MTI Translation Teaching, Supported by the Scientific Research Start-up Fund for Young Teachers in Zhuhai Campus of Jinan University, 20, 000 RMB (University level).

    3】专著、译著 / Monography & Translations

    I. 专著 / Monograph

    1. 《自传体译叙研究》,中山大学出版社,2024

    Autobiographical Transnarration, published by Sun Yat-sen University, 2024

    2. 《当代中国民族文学英译与译评》,待出版,预计35万字,民族出版社。

    Selected Works of Contemporary Ethnic Chinese Literature for English Translation and Translation Critiques, 200,000 words.


    Reforming Translation Studies: Navigating Chinese-style Modernization and Global Intercultural Exchange", 200,000 words.

    II. 译着 / Translations

    1. 《中国社会治理通论》(General Theory of Social Governance in China, 2021; 英译,45万字, Springer出版社, ISBN: 978-981-16-5714-6,该出版社为世界顶级学术出版社之一) 【国家外译项目,重点传播中国优秀学术作品;作者魏礼群,北京师范大学教授、博士生导师。曾任中共中央委员会委员,国务院研究室主任、党组书记,国家行政公司党委书记、常务副经理,十一届全国政协文史和学习委员会副主任。】

    General Theory of Social Governance in China (2021); English translation, 450,000 words, Springer Press, ISBN: 978-981-16-5714-6.

    Springer is one of the world's top academic publishers. [This book belongs to the National Foreign Translation Project, focusing on disseminating outstanding Chinese academic works; author Wei Liqun, professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing Normal University. He was a member of the CPC Central Committee, director of the research office and secretary of the party group of the State Council, secretary of the party committee and executive vice president of the Chinese Academy of Governance, and deputy director of the Literature, History and study Committee of the Eleventh CPPCC National Committee. ]

    2.《钟南山谈健康》(英译,38 千字, 2021715日,由World Scientific出版社,该出版社已出版超过100本由诺贝尔奖得主着写或与诺贝尔奖相关的著作) 【作者钟南山院士为2020年度共和国勋章获得者,2020811日由习近平签署主席令授予颁发该书作为全球传播和讲好中国故事的重要例证】

    The Key To Healthy Living, The: A Covid-19 Warrior Talks About Health (2021); English translation, 38,000 words, by World Scientific Press in 2021, which has published more than 100 books written by or related to Nobel laureates (The author is Academician Zhong Nanshan, winner of the Medal of the Republic of 2020, awarded by President Xi Jinping on August 11, 2020; the book serves as an essential example of global dissemination and "Narrating a Good China Story"]

    3.中国五十六个民族文学作品英译选集 ,《区域与文化研究》(英文版,台湾),2024年第一期. [Selected English Translation of Literary Works of 56 Ethnic Groups in China, Regional and Cultural Studies (English Edition, Taiwan), Issue 1, 2024.] 一共还需要出版六期A total of six more issues need to be published.)


    Rong Yao Nanhai: An Overview of Lingnan Martial Arts Culture, 300,000 words (English translation).

    4.《少林功夫》, 20万字,Light House出版社(英译)

    Shaolin Kung Fu, 200,000 words, Light House Press (English translation).

    5.《金张掖》, 甘肃人民美术出版社, 2万字(英译)

    Golden Zhangye, Gansu People's Art Publishing House, 20,000 words (English translation).


    Eight Habits for Educating a Good Child: V.M. Hillyer Education, Capital Normal University Press, 2012 (translated alone, 80, 000 words). (Chinese translation).

    7.《长兵器》,南方日报出版社,2012(共20 万字,参与7万字)。(汉译)

    Long Weapons, Nanfang Daily Press, 2012 (a total of 200,000 words, 70, 000 words of participation). (Chinese translation).

    8.《超级政客:富歇玩转法兰西》,希望出版社,2006(共20 万字,参与7万字)。(汉译)

    Joseph Focuhé, Hope Press, 2006 (200,000 words, 70, 000 words of participation). (Chinese translation).

    4】研究方向和科研能力介绍 /Research Interest and Capability

    l 党建和思政工作的跨文化传播、一带一路研究、讲好中国故事、提供中国方案,以及人类命运共同体和铸牢中华民族共同体研究。

    l 从后现代和文化研究角度探索跨文化传播的新范式、途径和方法。

    l 从后现代和文化研究角度探索当代中国各民族文化身份的认同、融合和转型。

    l 从后现代和文化研究角度探索海外华人华侨的民族文化身份的认同、融合和转型。

    l 从后现代和文化研究角度探索语言翻译与社会文化和地缘政治之间的关系。

    l 运用翻译和语料库技术,结合定量和定性研究,去做中外各类话语分析。


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